Domestic Detention: Rodney Pemberton
Although, this is not a popular book, this first-time author from the Caribbean is a master at story telling. Hence, it’s the reason this book was dubbed “best Novelty”. A page turner that engrosses you from the very first page. A blend of suspense and emotions that leave you breathless and utterly captivated onto the edge of your seats. Pemberton embarks on an emotional journey in search of his missing mother who many believed was dead, only to discover that all this time, she was paralyzed and was living in captivity by her narcissistic husband in a house where her four-year-old daughter was her only aid. This is a book that needs to be on everyone’s shelves.
Fast pace. Heartfelt and engaging. An Emotionally gripping, inspiring, psychological thriller fill with tears and laughter, unexpected love and the unraveling of family secrets as two women muscle courage and resilience. A story perfectly blended that could somehow create an urge for painting, or an immediate visit to the museum. A world where a young mother finds herself in an unfortunate position where she barely spoke the language. All she had were paintings inherited from Vincent Van.
This ten-year-old gives her insight on the man who kidnapped her, and held her captive in a house where she was starved, beaten and forced to work. The physical and mental abused she endured by this heartless pedophile was extreme and may remain with you forever. This one is not for the weak heart.
Cruel and poignant, but wonderfully written. The story of Three girls who were unimaginably abuse, and torture in psychic terror by their mother who was nothing but a full-blown psychopath. Secluded on a farmhouse for year, they were very much afraid to leave. Their only means of survival came from the bond they created until they were able to build the courage to escape. This book will leave you pondering with your jaws drop.
You’d have to be residing under a rock if you’ve never heard of this story. Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight all made headlines everywhere as their story unfolded in the media. Three girls who were kidnapped and repeatedly rape while imprisoned by a friendly, smiling Ariel Castro, a man who was a fiend of one of the girl’s parents. For over a decade, these innocent girls were just feet away from neighbors, and inches away from visiting guests who were unaware of their presence. This book is emotional disturbing, and may leave you horrified.
A thrilling account of a teenage daughter drugged and imprisoned by her father in an underground bunker behind bolted doors. She was trapped and abuse for over twenty-four years in a windowless cellar. A hideous crime that will leave you gasping, and asking “how could this happened for so many years. A terrifying read that could be quite disturbing. This one is not for the faint hearted, and for those who are prone to nightmares.
A dark look into the story of Gertrude Baniszewski, a monster who tortured and gruesomely mutilated teenager, Slyvia Likens who was in her care. A crime that many though could have been prevented by many. This book is horrific, gut wrenching and heart-broken at the same time. Another history of brutal child abuse. It’s something no child should ever experience. Perhaps, reminds you a bit of “the girl next door.” This is another book that is not for the faint hearted.
Four Ohio girls who vanished without a trace, including one who went through the gates of hell by her biological father and his wife. As the search continues, evidence tricked to a man in the neighborhood, who many considered to be eccentric. In my opinion, quite concisely and grabs your attention from the start.
Eight years old at the time, but her recollection is quite retentive. It’s an interesting read, but could be painful to anyone, knowing that the person who sworn to serve and to protect no longer can after they were shot by an ex-con who believes to have ties to a mob. An unfortunate tragedy that formed a much stronger family bond. A tragedy each person handled differently, but the pain they endured is something I’ll never wish on my worst enemy. Finding themselves under a 24-hour escort protection still couldn’t bring them the comfort they badly needed. Their only resolution was to return to the only life they knew.
Gripping and engaging, but heart wrenching and pitiful. The sad story of a six-year-old girl who was afraid of not being loved by anyone after her father made her an improper advance. It was a secret she kept for years until she finally built up enough encourage to tell her mother. At fourteen, she became pregnant by her father, but was told to take a late abortion that almost ended her life. She then found herself in an unfortunate world of her own.